Voice Management Guide

The Voice Management user guide

Transfer statistics

1 - User page

In the menu on the right, you can find a new “Transfer Stats” tab, which gives you access to a new page of statistics on your transfer data.

The page consists of a calendar (1) to filter the data. A summary table (2) and four graphs (3) for the transfer statistics.

The calendar

Filter the data displayed on the page using the calendar. You can write a period directly in the “dates” fields or select a day/period via the calendar.

By default, the calendar will always show the last 7 days. If you want to go back to the default dates, click “Reset”.

The summary table

The first table on the page allows you to see the raw transfer data. It is possible to display only the data that interests you by clicking on the “Fields” arrow on the right. The list of fields included in the list will be displayed.

You also have the option to export the table in different formats.

Data in graphs

Visualise your data in the blink of an eye using the graphs. You can choose to sort the transfer data by date, by operator, by group and by type.

2 – List of fields

Title Definition
Transfer ID
Each transfer/transfer attempt is identified by a unique ID. A call ID can therefore correspond to several transfer IDs if the call has been transferred several times
Transfer date
Transfer time
Id appel
Unique call ID
Id Op. source
ID of the operator making the transfer
Pre-transfer comm. duration
Duration of the communication before the transfer
Source op. name
Name of the operator making the transfer
Source op. email
Email address of the operator making the transfer
Source grp. ID
ID of the group making the transfer
Source grp. name
Name of the group making the transfer
Target ID
ID of the category receiving the transfer (operator, section, Centrex, etc.)
Post-transfer comm. duration
Duration of the communication after the transfer
Transfer type

Several types of transfers are possible:
Centrex: The call has been transferred to a Centrex
External: The call has been transferred to an external number
Section: The call has been transferred to a section
Op: The call has been transferred to an operator
Contact: The call has been transferred to a contact
Centrex group: The call has been transferred to a Centrex group

Target name
Name corresponding to the target type receiving the transfer
Target number
Number of the target type receiving the transfer

Is the call a direct transfer or a supervised transfer?

  • True : Supervised
  • False : Direct up
Picked up

Was the transfer picked up by the target type?

  • True : Picked up
  • False : Not picked up

• If an agent initiates a supervised transfer, speaks to the person, then resumes the call without transferring it: transferred will be "false", supervised will be "true", and picked up will be "true"
• If an agent initiates a supervised transfer, speaks to the person, then transfers the call: transferred will be "true", supervised will be "true", and picked up will be "true"
• If an agent initiates a supervised transfer but the person does not answer and the agent resumes the call: transferred will be "false", supervised will be "true", and picked up will be "false"
• If an agent initiates an unsupervised transfer and the person answers: transferred will be "true", supervised will be "false", and picked up will be "true"
• If an agent initiates an unsupervised transfer and the person does not answer: transferred will be "false", supervised will be "false", and picked up will be "false"

"Picked up" refers to whether the target of the transfer answers

Supervised transfer comm. duration
Duration of the communication for the "supervised" party if the transfer is a supervised call

3 - API Page