Voice Management Guide
The Voice Management user guide
- To start
- Prerequisite
- Home
- Administrator
- Importing sounds to your IVR
- Creating a routing
- Importing a directory
- Prohibit transfers to certain numbers
- Creation of a skill group
- Creation of an operator toolbar
- Gestion of an operator
- Creation of an IVR
- Satisfaction survey
- Campaign
- Webcallback
- Link WebCallBack
- Generating a WebCallBack link
- Gestion of a supervisor
- SMS service
- SMS in the operator toolbar
- SMS in the operator toolbar
- Statistics
- Operator
- Supervisor
- Technical side
- SSO authentification
- Call recording
- Integration
- Application setup (Microsoft Dynamics)
- easiware integration
- Salesforce
- Zendesk
Voice Management homepage
1. Direct your request correctly
Axialys has two separate counters for requests related to the operation of the products.
If your request concerns…
● a service currently being deployed (not still billed)
● a configuration question
● advice, a practical question
● an evolution/modification of service
… so it does not concern our Technical Support team and should be sent to our Customer Success team at [email protected]
However, if your request concerns a defect in a service that is usually functional, then your request should be sent to support @axialys.com, following the procedure described below.
In general, it is your responsibility to ensure that the problem encountered does not come from your own infrastructure, your equipment or your connection operator, if applicable.
In the event of a problem wrongly reported, not involving the responsibility of Axial ys, Axialys may invoice the customer for a time-based service for the analysis of the problem on the basis of 100 EUR/hour and more generally the costs incurred, with a minimum of 50 EUR, increased to 250 EUR in the event of travel a technician.
2. File a Support ticket
Your request must be sent by email, and must be as complete as possible (see below).
Once you have sent your first email, you will receive access to our ticketing https://zammad.axialys.net/, in order to be able to follow your ticket and to be able to make others.
You will receive from our Support an email, after each creation of a ticket for confirm it to you and after each response from our Support.
3. Items to send to support
The information required depends on the location of the malfunction: operator panel, supervision screen, administration interface.
3.1. Operator panel
If there is a malfunction on the operator panel, we need all of the
following information:
– The description of the malfunction,
– The frequency and reproducibility conditions,
– The timestamp of the call (date + time),
– The type of call (incoming or outgoing),
– The customer’s telephone number,
– The operator concerned,
– The extension used: third-party extension (direct number not managed by Axialys), Centrex Axialys with/ without WebRTC
– The place of connection: on site or at home
– The connection configuration: browser (and its version), and connectivity (wired or wifi),
– In the case of a transfer:
– the type of transfer,
– the person to whom the call or group was transferred, …
– Screenshots,
– The bug report in .txt format (to be taken at the time of the bug, without reloading the front banner).
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3.2 Supervision screen
If there is a problem on the supervision screen, we need all of the following information:</ p>
- The description of the malfunction,
- The frequency and reproducibility conditions,
- The timestamp of the time displayed and of
< li>update time (date + time),
- Account used,
- Screenshots,
- Bug report .
3.3 Administration interface
If there is a problem on the extranet, we need all of the following information:</p >
- The description of the malfunction,
- The URL related to the malfunction,
- The account used,
- Screens of screen.
- Table of contents